It may end up being extremely random, but a lot of things are on my mind.
I would first like to say that shopping for Sister Missionary clothing is HORRIBLE!
I have gotten so frustrated! They say you can take 5 shirts on the mission.
5 SHIRTS? I mean seriously? I don't wear the same shirt in a month,
let alone one week. Luckily I talked to a friend who has been on a misison,
and she said there is no way I can survive on 5 shirts.
She suggested 10.
Wow, dream big.
I am so grateful for her help though. I have had so many questions about
sister missionary clothing. I loved this quote from her, and it has helped me.
Just remember, you don't have to look like a nun and you CAN be cute!!
Seriously, why does every sister missionary have to look like they want to kill themselves? So, I have decided I am going to look cute, because I think it will help me have a better time.
Luckily today I had some luck at J. Crew with some cute cardigans and t-shirts.
But other than that, it is so frustrating deciding what to take.
I love how my biggest problem has been deciding what clothes to take on my mission.
Figures right?
Next, I am going to blab on about my sisters...
I miss this.
Every year, my sisters, mom and I go on a girl's trip, and I don't think we are going to have one this year because I am leaving. It is ok though, because I literally spend all of my time with them during the day. I just wanted to talk about each of my sisters and how amazing they are...
Whitney is my oldest sister, and she has been such a great example to me. She has truly taught me to be myself in a world that wants me to be somebody else. She is always up for going to a dance class, or getting out of her comfort zone in a position she doesn't necessarily want to be in. I remember when I was in high school, she used to come hang out with my friends and me. Keep in mind she is 8 years older than me. She has always been my best friend throughout my whole life. I mean, who would watch Lizze Mcguire when they are 20? She really has taught me that everyone has a kid inside them that can stay alive throughout their entire lives.
Heather is next, and has taught me how to be patient. She never raises her voice, and is definitely the peacemaker in the family. She has been the first one to move away since she has gotten married, and I miss her so much. There isn't a day that goes by when I don't wish she were here in Utah with us. But she has taught all of us that you can make the best of any situation you are in. I really miss her so much. Whenever she comes to visit, there is a glow in the house. Everyone is so much happier, and it is always the best time when she comes. She makes everyone happy and never causes any problems.
Annelise is one of the funniest people I have ever met. Seriously, everything is always funnier when Annelise is around. Everyone always wants Annelise there so everyone can have a good time and no one feels awkward. She is also extremely supportive. She has been the most supportive person in my decision to go on a mission, and it has meant the world to me. This is an example of how most of my life has been. She has always given me the best advice on what I should do in my life, and taught me that no one's judgement is better than my own. She is someone I could spend hours with and never get bored or feel like I don't want to be there.
Kelli is my wonderful sister-in-law. I don't know how I got so lucky to have a sister-in-law like her. She has the best style and advice that is always helpful. She has become such a great part of our family and has fit in from the start. Although there is such a big break of age between us, she treats me like her best friend, and that the age difference doesn't even exist. She is always friendly to everyone and is never rude to people (unless they do something to hurt someone in the family, then she could totally kick their trash). I consider her one of my sisters, because she has become such a close friend to me.
I really have the most amazing sisters. They are always there for me, and I know we will be best friends forever. I love them all so much.
Thank you. You made my day. I will miss you.