way too much.
But this will be the last
for a while, so enjoy.
So every year, my mom
and her two cute sisters
go to Arizona for a fun
girl's shopping trip.
She comes home every
year telling me how
absolutely wonderful
the trip was.
Since I am leaving so soon,
my aunt invited me
to join them, and lets just say
I was more than ecstatic!
My aunt's private jet
picked us up and
flew us to Arizona
where we stay
in my aunt's house.
The whole trip is
dedicated to shopping.
Completely amazing right?
So on this trip, they all
focused on finding
CUTE missionary clothes.
Luckily, we had tons of luck!
I got so many cute things
that I absolutely love!
There are no better people
to shop with than my mom
and her two sisters, because
everything I tried on, they
would respond with,
"That is so-o cute!!"
"You HAVE to buy that!"
"If you don't buy it,
I will have to buy it for you!"
"That makes you look great!"
"You will be the cutest
sister missionary out there!"
Shopping is always much
more successful and fun
with a little encouragement.
your so cute elizabeth, i'm going to miss you!!!