And when it comes to buying concert tickets
at USANNA where I know it won't sell out,
I definitely take my time in going to
Smithstix to make my purchase.
I get a friendly text from Caitlin
saying Steph had gone to buy her ticket
for the Tim Mcgraw/Lady Antebellum concert
and they were completely sold out.
Oh cool, little known fact that USANNA,
a massive field of grass that fits an infinitive
amount of people, sells out of tickets.
So, being the adventurous, spontaneous
type of people that we are (NOT),
Steph and I decide to take a little drive
out to USANNA to see if they have tickets.
No big deal it took us 2 hours to drive
out to USANNA only to get 2 blocks away
and find out Lady Antebellum has already
started, and the cheapest ticket is $76.50.
So, Steph makes a U-turn, and we
have our own Lady Antebellum concert
in our car and blast the music. We decide
to go see Charlie St. Cloud (or Zac Efron
with his shirt off for almost 2 hours).
I guess that is a good alternative, right?
We ate at an awesome pizza place and
of course had to stop at Rocky Mountain
Chocolate Factory.
After the movie, we were both in interesting
moods. Maybe we were contemplating how
hott Zac Efron was the ENTIRE movie, or how
random our night had turned out, or maybe
it was the insanely gorgeous moon that night.
It was just as I would have imagined it if I was
in the Pacific Northwest sailing on a sailboat.
The moon had a beautiful, soft clouded mist
hovering that gave it a glow that no camera
could capture. Steph taught me many things
in our hangout, but one thing was how to take
a mental picture of something so gorgeous
when your camera just isn't good enough.
I can imagine the moon and how beautiful
it was without even looking at any picture.
Tonight, some of my best friends and I
climbed on the roof of a church and
enjoyed the brilliant view of the entire city.
The lights were incredible, and I tried to soak
in every second considering I won't be seeing
such beautiful lights for 18 months.
Such simple things that make me realize
how lucky I truly am, and how beautiful
the scenery of Utah really is.
A close friend of mine told me that in Ecuador,
the mothers tell their children the same phrase
every night before they go to bed. The phrase
translated in english means,
dream with the angels
I am going to tell my children that same phrase
one day, because it is adorable.
And I think to myself,
what a wonderful world!
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